“Let’s Go Back,” the first single off NOTE’s album Love & Indifference (out March 10th) has premiered on Mass Appeal! Read what they had to say about the track and give it a listen here (or at the end of this post).
NOTE gets melodic on the hook, reminiscing about the days of the “real OGs.” …he demonstrates that he’s a cerebral emcee who’s able to speak on the street life. Read more…
Our transatlantic duo, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, recently had the opportunity to perform at Denmark’s SPOT Festival 2014 and showcase their incredible blend of electronic and hip-hop music. While in Denmark they got some great coverage from international blogs that is definitely worth checking out (utilize that browser translate function…):
Funk You Dear – SPOT Festival 2014 Debrief

Red Bull Studios: Copenhagen – Five Minutes With League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Poule d’Or – SPOT Festival 2014: The Debrief
Though one of the most unique acts on the festival lineup, by all accounts their set was both enjoyed and embraced, and to quote Poule d’Or, “…few things are as entertaining as a room full of cool and tall pale-skinned hipsters trying to be a rap hip hop audience in broad daylight.” This fantastic gif proves it.
And in case you missed their epic trailer for SPOT Festival featuring the always hilarious NOTE and Simon, check it out below.

We’re super excited to finally release Volume Five of our Beat Stew mixtape series! Lose yourself in dreamy dance beats and nod your head to the serious future funk. Featuring 10 new tracks from the Proximal crew and 20 more from a crop of seriously talented producers curated by Proximal’s label-head, Sahy Uhns, Beat Stew Volume 5 is our biggest (and we think best) yet. Joined by some familiar names from Beat Stews past like Co.fee, Mat/matix and Solar Shield and a ton of fresh talent like Maggey Pain, Banjax and Gaszia & Xian, we promise this mix will not disappoint.
Beat Stew has always been and will always remain a free mixtape, but we’ve offered it up as a Pay-What-You-Want release through Bandcamp this time because every donation helps an independent label like ourselves and we wanted to give people the option of throwing a couple dollars our way for 30 free tracks. Big thanks to those who have donated already! You can still type in $0 and download for free though and we’ll still love you. Almost as much.
Listen to Beat Stew Volume: Five here!
Name your price and download Beat Stew: Volume Five here!